Crime Of Abstain to Report Crimes

Crime Of Abstain to Report Crimes UAE Penal Code What is the penalty for abstain to report a crime to the authorities The penalty specified in article (274) WhatsApp: +971555570005


Questions And Answers About The Crime Of Abstain To Report Crimes UAE PENAL CODE


What is the penalty for abstain to report a crime to the authorities?

• The penalty specified in article (274) of the UAE Penal Code, Federal Law No. (7) of 2016 which stated :

Shall be sentenced to detention for a term not exceeding one year or a fine, to whoever came to his knowledge that a crime has been perpetrated and abstains to report this to the competent authorities.


Is it permissible to exempt the person who fails to inform the authorities of the crime when he is aware of it?

• Yes, as indicated in Article (274), which states:

May be exempted from this penalty, the one who ab-stained from reporting, should he be the spouse of the criminal, one of his ascendants, descendants, brothers or sisters or those considered as such from his in-laws a similar degree of affinity.


What is the penalty for a public official who has postponed or neglected to report a crime?

• The penalty depends on whether the employee is in charge of searching for and controlling crimes or not. Article (272) has indicated both cases:

Every public servant, in charge of detecting crimes or apprehending criminals, who neglects or remits reporting a crime that came to his knowledge, shall be sentenced to detention or to a fine.

Shall be sentenced to a fine, the public servant who is in charge of detecting crimes or apprehending criminals, if he neglects or remits reporting to the competent authority a crime that came to his knowledge while, or because of discharging his duties.

There shall be no penalty in case the filing of the lawsuit, in the instances mentioned in the two preceding paragraphs is dependent on submitting a complaint.


Is it permissible to exempt an employee from punishment if he abstain to report a crime?

• A public official in charge of the search for or seizure of offenses shall not be relieved if he neglects or delays the reporting of a crime which has come to his knowledge.

While an employee who is not in charge of searching for or seizing crimes who neglected or deferred to inform the competent authority of a crime that he knew during or because of his performance may be exempted from punishment, this was confirmed by Article 272, where it is stated:

May be exempted from this penalty, the one who ab-stained from reporting, should he be the spouse of the criminal, one of his ascendants, descendants, brothers or sisters or those considered as such from his in-laws a similar degree of affinity.


What is the punishment of a doctor who, while practicing his profession, covers up a crime?

• This explained in Article (273), which stated:

Shall be sentenced to detention for a term not exceeding one year and/or to a fine not in excess of twenty thousand Dirham, whoever, during the practice of his medical or health profession, examines a corpse or gives medical assistance to a severely injured person showing signs that his death or injury is due to a crime or if it is revealed from other circumstances that there is a reason to suspect the cause of death or injury and fails to report this to the authorities.


Mohamed Mahmoud Al Marzooqi law firm

Attorney / Mohamed Al Marzooqi
Mohamed Al Marzooqi advocates & Consultancy
Lawyer in Abu Dhabi, Dubai – UAE


Crime Of Abstain to Report Crimes UAE Penal Code What is the penalty for abstain to report a crime to the authorities The penalty specified in article (274) WhatsApp: +971555570005

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